With the recent event, trip and race cancellations and the implementation of SOCIAL DISTANCING athletes and coaches alike are trying to make sense of it all.  Sure we know we need to continue to train/exercise for our own physical and mental wellbeing. But, what about our goals? What about our training? How do we prepare for an event when we don’t even know when that will take place.

 We are combating the Coronavirus one athlete at a time by implementing a strategy of VIRTUAL TOGETHERNESS! 

Please join our Killercoach Strava Club by clicking here.

Well, first we need to put everything in perspective which is very difficult to do. Look at your big picture. It’s very important to take care of yourself, especially if you are needing to care for others at this time as well. Kid’s home from school, learning to work from home, worried about friends and family? Well, you can’t expect to be able to help anyone if you are not healthy! SO- take care of yourself and continue to carve out some time for YOU!

We are urging everyone to follow the CDC’s guidelines for staying healthy and helping to relieve pressure on our hospital systems. Outside is open so hopefully, spring has sprung near you and you can safely get outside.

We will be posting some motivation, group challenges and getting downright motivational on there to try to make training super fun!

Here is our current group and what they have been up to this week. Pretty impressive eh? Imagine our stats if you joined? All are welcome!!


Got any ideas for virtual group activities and training? Be sure to post them in the comments below- and in these crazy times- literally, nothing is going to sound crazy!