Looking for that workout to get you the upper hand for next year’s cycling season. Not sure where your time and energy is best spent in the gym. Coach Tricia, our resident Health Engineer, and Physical Therapist has a great workout for you to gain not only strength but improve your coordination, core strength, flexibility, and balance too!

Warm Up:

With any good workout, starting with a warm-up will prime your body for the work to come. Increasing your body temperature, HR and flexibility is key to a good warm-up. Scientifically, static stretching is best left for after a workout, so keep your warm-up dynamic with some cardio work on a trainer, treadmill or rower followed by some dynamic stretching to increase your range of motion.

Some examples of Dynamic Stretching:

Leg swings and arm swings, walking lunges with overhead reaching, wide-leg forward bend reaching arms to opposite feet, and trunk rotations. You can even make something up for yourself, so get creative. There are times I just put some music on and get my groove on for a few minutes.

Main Workout:

With minimal equipment, you can do this workout just about anywhere. You can get creative and find heavy things around the house to hold for weights if you don’t have kettlebells. Use a pillow instead of an air-filled disc.

Split Squats:

Choose a weight that is challenging for you to do 3X10 reps on each side. These are great for working not only cycling-specific strength for the glutes, quads, and hamstrings, but they work on balance and flexibility too!

Single-Leg Deadlifts:

Deadlifts work some of the most important and under-utilized muscles in cycling, your hamstrings, and glutes. Unlocking these secret weapons by doing single-leg deadlifts while balancing on one foot and holding a weight with outstretched arms will fire up your core as well. Start out easy with these with a set of 5-8 and a light weight. Do three sets.

Three-Way Kicks on Balance Disc:

Work the outside of your hips for increased pelvic stability and fire up your core by holding a weighted bar in the riding position (elbows out.) Keeping your hips level is key for this exercise and try not to lose balance by focusing on a spot just in front of the bar. Try for 3 sets of 10 for each leg.

Ball Pikes:

These are gonna be your lifesavers!  You know those holy crap moments when you just about crash on the bike and wonder how you ever saved it?! This exercise will help with those moments on the bike. These ball pikes connect your hands (that hold the handlebars) to your core and legs (that power the bike while keeping you centered over your pedals.) Start with 3 sets of 8 and increase reps from there or try having the ball further away from your hips for an added challenge.

V Sit-Ups:

Need another great exercise for core strength and balance and don’t have any equipment? Drop down and hit 3×15 reps of these and see how you feel. Be sure you only extend out as far as you can without arching your back, your stomach should be holding your pelvis locked in and tight and not allowing your low back to move as you extend down flat.


With most strength workouts, variety is the way to see continual improvement. Be sure you are mixing up your workouts from week to week to continually challenge yourself and keep things interesting.

For more exercise examples check out some more videos on our Vimeo channel.

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